Values and principles

in software design.

Fran Reyes -


Values, principles and patterns form a balanced expression of a style of development.

Differents values and differents principles will lead to different styles.

“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”

San Martin de Fowler

  • Patterns describe what to do.
  • Values provide motivation.
  • Principles help translate motive into action.

Principles bridge values (universal but often difficult to apply directly) and patterns (which are clear to apply but specific).

Communication, Simplicity and Flexibility

Software Economics

Software Economics

Cost Understand + Cost Change + Cost Test + Cost Deploy


Code communicates well when a reader can understand it, modify it, or use it.

What is the purpose of this code?

                            public List<int> getThem(){
                                var list1 = new List<int>();
                                forEach(var x : TheList){
                                    if(x.Status == 4) {
                                return list1;

What kinds of things are in the List?

									public List<int> getThem(){
										var list1 = new List<int>();
										forEach(var stockVehicle : StockVehicles){
											if(stockVehicle.Status == 4) {
										return list1;

What is the significance of the value 4?

									public List<int> getThem(){
										var list1 = new List<int>();
										forEach(var stockVehicle : StockVehicles){
											if(stockVehicle.Status == Blocked) {
										return list1;

How would I use the list being returned?

									public List<int> getThem(){
										var blockedVehicleIds = new List<int>();
										forEach(var stockVehicle : StockVehicles){
											if(stockVehicle.Status == Blocked) {
										return blockedVehicleIds;

What paradigm am I working on?

									public List<int> getThem(){
										var blockedVehicleIds = new List<int>();
										forEach(var stockVehicle : StockVehicles){
											if(stockVehicle.isBlocked()) {
										return blockedVehicleIds;

Could be this code close to that ordinary written prose?

                                    public List<int> getThem(){
                                            .Where(vehicle => vehicle.isBlocked())
                                            .Select(vehicle => vehicle.Id)


Eliminating excess complexity enables those reading, using, and modifiying programs to understand them more quickly.

Essential vs accidental complexity


Sometimes, however, I find a simplication that would make a program harder to understand. I choose communication over simplicity in these cases.

Why the expected result is 49.25?

                    bank.addRate("USD", "GBP", rate);
                    Money result = bank.convert(new Note(100, "USD"), "GBP");

                    assertEquals(new Note(49.25, "GBP"), result);

Be explicit, although a bit of coupling maybe is the comparative cost

                    bank.addRate("USD", "GBP", rate);
                    Money result = bank.convert(new Note(100, "USD"), "GBP");

                    assertEquals(new Note(100 / rate 
                                 * (1 - commission, "GBP"), result);

Turning it into a property based test, increase the benefits

                    forAll(doublesGreaterThan(0)) { rate ->
                      forAll(doublesGreaterThan(0)) { commission ->
                        bank.addRate(USD, GBP, rate);

                        assertThat(bank.convert(Note(100, USD), GBP),
                            equalTo(Note(100 / rate * (1 - commission), GBP)))


Simplicity is in the eye of the beholder. What is simple to an expert programmer, familiar with the power tools of the craft, might be overwhelmingly complex to a beginner.

Simplicity, familiarity

                                    public List<int> getThem(){
                                            .Where(vehicle => vehicle.isBlocked())
                                            .Select(vehicle => vehicle.Id)

Simplicity, familiarity

									public List<int> getThem(){
										var blockedVehicleIds = new List<int>();
										forEach(var stockVehicle : StockVehicles){
											if(stockVehicle.isBlocked()) {
										return blockedVehicleIds;


Design for the future. Change is expensive. Make it cheap by anticipating it.


Flexibility is the justification used for the most ineffective coding and design practices.

Flexibility can come at the cost of increased complexity.


Fizz Buzz Kata with engine rules


“That's why flexibility of simplicity and extensive tests is more effective that the flexibility offered by speculated design.”


“Paradox, by not considering the future of your code you make your code much more likely to be adaptable in the future”


  • Local consequences
  • Minimize Repetition
  • Logic and Data Together
  • Declarative Expression
  • Symmetry
  • Rate of Change

Local consequences

If a change here can cause a problem there, then the cost of change rise dramatically

Code with mostly local consequences communicates effectively. It can be understood gradually without first having assemble an understanding of whole

Minimize Repetition

When you have the same code in several places, if you change one copy of the code you have to decide whether or not to change all the other copies

Logic and Data Together

Put logic and data it operates on near each other

Declarative Expression

Express the logic describing the What you want to do and not How you want to do.

Imperative expression

                                 List<int> results = new List<int>();
                                 foreach(var num in collection)
                                     if (num % 2 != 0)

Declarative expression

                    var results = collection.Where( num => num % 2 != 0);


Symmetry in code is where the same idea is expressed the same way everywhere it appears in the code.

Once readers understand one half of the simmetry, they can quickly understand the other half.


                    array_map("process", array(1,2,3));
                    array_filter(array(1,2,3), "process");


                      offer.status = Offer.Accepted;



Symmetry, preliminary step to removing duplication


Rate of change

Put logic or data that changes at the same rate together and separate logic or data that changes at different rates

Change together

                        public void setAmount(int value, string currency){
                            this.value = value;
                            this.currency = currency;


                        public void setAmount(Money value){
                            this.value = value;


Communication, Simplicity & Flexibility

  • Local consequences
  • Minimize Repetition
  • Logic and Data Together
  • Declarative Expression
  • Symmetry
  • Rate of Change


“Programming, then, is a human task done by humans for humans.”

Kent Beck

Related links

Implementation Patterns Book

Simple Made Easy - Rich Hickey

Economía del software en 10 min - Artola & Guillermo

Communication over simpliflication example (Property based testing contribution by Nat Pryce)

Simplicidad para desarrolladores - Eduardo Ferro

Chunking or the myth of declarative - Dan North

An example of introducing symmetry to enable duplication removal - Manuel Rivero